Please check out our various model kits for sale below. Each one has been modelled by one of our own team, and is printed to order especially for you!
Please note that all rights to these characters are those of their individual creators. These designs listed below are classified as Fan Art only, and are not official, licensed products.
Here is our Legacy of Kain statue design of the title character himself. Complete with his Reaver, and poised ready to pounce on his foe, we think he makes an excellent addition to any video game collectors' display shelf!
Sculpted by Bruno
Leaping into action, Soul Reaver in hand, the protagonist of the Soul Reaver series, and Kains opposition in the games, we think you'll agree that he looks ready for a fight, taking advantage of his high-ground position.
Sculpted by Bruno
We know what you're thinking. What is one without the other? Well don't worry friends, we've got you covered! Choose this option for a discount on BOTH kits, which were designed to be displayed together as a diorama piece!
Sculpted by Bruno
Borderlands has been a major time-sink in our houses, and there are few characters more iconic or recognisable than the humble Psychos! Tha'ts why we had to create this bust.
We had a hard time deciding on the base design for this one, but I think Guilherme did a great job on the whole project once we settled on this. There ain't no rest for the wicked, after all!
Sculpted by Guilherme
....and then we had to follow up with everyone favourite harlequin-painted-hostess in the bars of the Borderlands.
Everyone needs to see a friendly face from time to time, so why not make sure you get to see this one whenever you need!
Sculpted by Guilherme
The Hyrkanian warrior herself, Red Sonja is a fearless nomad on a path for vengeance. We chose to go with a more stoic pose for the character, showing her success in battle, inspired by the art of Frank Cho's cover for Savage Red Sonja: Queen of the Frozen Wastes.
Sculpted by Bruno
The Egyptian Vampire Goddess herself, also known as Sakkara, our sculpt of Purgatori is based on the artwork of Nei Ruffino's cover of Purgatori Issue 4.
Sculpted by Bruno
Surely there isn't a single comic book fan unaware of the beautiful Vampirella of Drakulon. Those of you who are already fans will definitely recognise the pose for this one, I'm sure! Available in several sculpt options (including NSFW), we've made sure that anyone can find a home for this piece in their collection!
Sculpted by Guilherme
One of my personal favourite comic series', this design shows the eponymous heroine, Cassie Hack, and her best friend and side-kick in the slasher-slaying business, Vlad.
Sculpted by Vitoria
What's going on? It's the psychic psychopath, Ernie Fairchild, and his best button pal Smiley.
Climbing from his own grave, freshly returned to our world, this design has our undead duo looking fearsome and ready to get to making an army of Dead Onez.
Sculpted by Rico
Was the full statue alone not enough Ernie for you all? Good thing we sculpted a statue bust too then! This design should be plenty for all you painters to get stuck into!
Sculpted by Federico
The Death of Speedsters himself, a manifestation of the Speedforce, appearing before each super-powered speedster at the moment of their death.
Sculpted by Guilherme
The desirable and deadly assassin, and love-interest of the DareDevil himself. We had this vision of a dynamic, beautiful sculpture in our minds, and had to make it real for you all. From the flowing robes to the throwing stars embedded into the base, this sculpture is just a true work of art, don't you agree?
Sculpted by Joao
Now this one is a little different, as we actually collaborated with the incredible comic artist Rivald Paiva (@Rivald.Paiva.92) on this design. He provided the pose in a stunning piece of traditional artwork (that resides in Lee's collection now, sorry!), which we worked from to bring the ever-beautiful Southern Belle to the real world.
Sculpted by Guilherme
We acted as quickly as we could with this one, using very few reference images released ahead of the movies release to create a statue as screen-accurate as we could get from the references available.
Sculpted by Joao
'You get what anybody gets. You get a lfietime.' Need we say more? The ever-beautiful Death, second oldest of The Endless in Neil Gaimans Sandman comics, this version was based on the artwork of Chris Bachalo, and depicts her lost in a thoughtful gaze.
Sculpted by Bruno
You know that we couldn't ignore Ernies true love!
When we saw this action pose from Anthony Spay, we knew that we had to sculpt something to honour the design in homage to the up-coming video game.
Sculpted by Joao
We couldn't leave this character at just one design, so I guess you all get to enjoy the fruits of our obsession too!
We decided to aim for a more sultry appearance for this sculpt, to better display the characters softer side, lost in thought to memories of a life long past.
Sculpted by Walter
The Avenging Angel himself. Based on the portrayal of the late, great Brandon Lee, this sculpt of Eric Draven from the 1994 movie adaptation of James O'Barr's The Crow was lovingly sculpted as a passion project for Lee, and is now available to you all!
Sculpted by Bruno
We have a CODE RED in the house! Hellboy himself, as portrayed by Ron Perlman, was a definite must-sculpt for us. An excellent movie,, an excellent performance, and an excellent character to base it all around. What could be better inspiration for us here?
Sculpted by Guilherme
A timeless classic of a show, with an iconic character at the core, portrayed by Lucy Lawless.
Maybe we're all very much obsessed with pop culture icons over here, but we know we aren't alone in that, so we're sure you're going to enjoy this one as much as we do, right?
Sculpted by Guilherme
Welcome to the Roughnecks! Rico's Roughnecks! This cult classic movie is near and dear to a lot of our hearts, so we absolutely had to create some sculpts to show our love
The first of three character busts we've created, this is one of our favourite designs we've made.
Sculpted by Guilherme
Welcome to the Roughnecks! Rico's Roughnecks! This cult classic movie is near and dear to a lot of our hearts, so we absolutely had to create some sculpts to show our love
The second of the three character busts we've created, the next character had to be Rico's best friend and partner in crime.
Sculpted by Guilherme
Welcome to the Roughnecks! Rico's Roughnecks! This cult classic movie is near and dear to a lot of our hearts, so we absolutely had to create some sculpts to show our love
The last of the three character busts we've created, we had to make the most eager, loyal squad-mate of our two previous busts.
Sculpted by Guilherme
The original Power Rangers were a large part of many of our childhoods here at Corvinus Creations, so you know we had to create a collection of busts depicting these 'Teenagers with Attitude' to show our love for them.
We of course started with the late Jason David Franks character, Tommy Oliver. We were torn on which Ranger to display him as though, so e took a vote on it, and came to the conclusion that it had to be the White Tiger Ranger first.
Sculpted by Guilherme
The original Power Rangers were a large part of many of our childhoods here at Corvinus Creations, so you know we had to create a collection of busts depicting these 'Teenagers with Attitude' to show our love for them.
The next in the series for us was a no-brainer. Jason was a leader in every capacity, so deserved to be the next to get the Corvinus Creations treatment.
Sculpted by Guilherme
The original Power Rangers were a large part of many of our childhoods here at Corvinus Creations, so you know we had to create a collection of busts depicting these 'Teenagers with Attitude' to show our love for them.
Let's be hpnest, any male of a certain generation had this young heroine as one of (if not their very first) crush, and it was easy to see why. Amy herself is a very beautiful woman, and Kimberley was just everyones girl-next-door sweetheart.
Sculpted by Guilherme
The original Power Rangers were a large part of many of our childhoods here at Corvinus Creations, so you know we had to create a collection of busts depicting these 'Teenagers with Attitude' to show our love for them.
Zachs (Walters) dancing fighting made him a unique fighter within the show, to say the least, and always added enough character to stand apart from the rest of the team, but was a lovable and loyal character throughout.
Sculpted by Guilherme
The original Power Rangers were a large part of many of our childhoods here at Corvinus Creations, so you know we had to create a collection of busts depicting these 'Teenagers with Attitude' to show our love for them.
Another of the team who sadly left this world too soon, Thuys passing was a tragedy, but we're glad her legacy lives on still, and hope that our sculpt does her portrayal of such an iconic character justice.
Sculpted by Guilherme
The original Power Rangers were a large part of many of our childhoods here at Corvinus Creations, so you know we had to create a collection of busts depicting these 'Teenagers with Attitude' to show our love for them.
Showing everyone that 'Nerds can be bad-asses too' was everyones favourite techie, Billy. Played by David Yost, and maintaining a presence in Power Rangers throughout its 30 year tenure in the publics hearts, Billy was always a fan favourite, and for good reason!
Sculpted by Guilherme
I don't think anyone saw the promotional posters for the up-coming FALLO:UT TV Series , and thought that it wouldn't make an amazing pin-up model kit. We're no different, which is why we absolutely had to get this sculpted ASAP!
Sculpted by Guilherme
The fearless leader of the Biker Mice, Throttle, was the first of our cartoon bust collection that we sculpted, and we knew instantly wouldn't be the last!
Sculpted by Walter
Once we had done one, we knew we couldn't leave the others behind, and the next sculpt we worked one was Modo, the compassionate, muscular member of the team.
Sculpted by Walter
Last, but certainly not least, we finished up the sculpt for Vinnie, the charismatic rodent romeo of the group, so he could stand alongside his brothers once more.
Sculpted by Walter
Unable to choose your favourite? That's ok, we've got you covered! You'll find the trio together here, at a special discounted price as a set. We won't lie to you, they look too awesome all together to consider only getting one, if you ask us!
Sculpted by Walter
You must remember this (admittedly not-so) little guy, and his crazy adventures! If you're anything like us, you loved tuning in to this insane little cartoon, and watching the Super-Suit sporting Soil-Dweller.
For our statue though, we decided to add a little extra tongue in our cheek, by depicting him with the ever-lovely Princess Whats-Her-Name in this very well-known pose, made famous by a certain Barbarian.
Sculpted by Joao
While we are happy to print any model that you have found and bring to us, we are unlikely to have a commercial license for that design.
What this means is that, while we are able to print a one-off as a requested commission for a customer, we are not allowed to actively advertise that we can print or sell those designs.
If you find something that you would like to have printed, please drop us an email at Enquiries@Corvinus-Creations. com. One of our team will contact you shortly to discuss sizing options, materials we can print in, print resolution, and to give you a personalised quote based on all of the above factors.
Finally, if there is something that you want printed, but cannot find it, contact us via our email at and we will search for the right product for you, or have it designed especially for you!*
We want you to leave us happy, and eager to return for more, and will do anything in our power to make sure that is the case!
*Prices of this service will vary dependent upon the amount of work required to model the item, how much information you can provide us to work from, the required turn-around time for the model, and the modellers hourly rates.